Adults conceptualize the world in terms of enduring physical objects.
Sortal concepts provide conditions of individuation (establishing the
boundaries of objects) and numerical identity (establishing whether an
object is the same one as one encountered at some other time). In the
adult conceptual system, there are two roughly hierarchical levels of
object sortals. Most general is the sortal bounded physical object it
self, for which spatiotemporal properties provide the criteria for ind
ividuation and identity. More specific sortals, such as dog or car, re
ly on additional types of properties to provide criteria for individua
tion and identity. We conjecture that young infants might represent on
ly the general sortal, object, and construct more specific sortals lat
er (the Object-first Hypothesis). This is closely related to Bower's (
1974) conjecture that infants use spatiotemporal information to trace
identity before they use property information. Five studies using the
visual habituation paradigm were conducted to address the Object-first
Hypothesis. In these studies, 10-month-old infants were able to use s
patiotemporal information but failed to use property/kind information
to set up representations of numerically distinct individuals, thus pr
oviding empirical evidence for the Object-first Hypothesis. Finally, i
nfants succeed at object individuation in terms of more specific sorta
ls by 12 months. The relation between success at our task and early no
un comprehension is discussed. (C) 1996 Academic Press, Inc.