The space of static finite-energy configurations in the electroweak th
eory admits a Z(2) topological structure, More precisely, we show that
this space contains two disconnected sectors of unstable gauge-Higgs
fields odd under a properly defined generalized parity. This classific
ation extends the description of baryon- and lepton-number violating e
lectroweak processes to the symmetric phase of the theory. Configurati
ons with odd pure-gauge behaviour at spatial infinity, such as the sph
aleron, multisphalerons, as well as an infinite surface of their equiv
alents, have half-integer Chem-Simons number and mediate B + L violati
ng processes in the early universe. Finite-energy configurations with
even pure-gauge behaviour, such as the S new sphaleron, are topologic
ally equivalent to the vacuum and are irrelevant for B + L violation.
Electroweak string configurations comprise continuous families of spha
leron equivalents as well as configurations equivalent to the vacuum.
We discuss the possible formation of B + L violating quark-lepton cond
ensates in the symmetric high-temperature phase of the electroweak the