We examine the potential of standardised data, mainly collected in the
laboratory, to elucidate mechanisms of species coexistence, using a s
outh-facing, infertile, species-rich limestone grassland at Miller's D
ale, Derbyshire, Eng land as a model system. Standardised autecologica
l data for 15 of the more important Miller's Dale species were obtaine
d from the Integrated Screening Programme (ISP), and their functional
attributes were reviewed in the context of a larger database, broadly
representative of the British flora. Ordination of adult plant attribu
tes demonstrated that the Miller's Dale species are strategically rela
tively uniform; most are slow-growing, evergreen and tolerant of miner
al nutrient deficiency. Ordination of seed attributes revealed more va
riety among the Miller's Dale species; the main axis of variation was
from species with large, transient seeds (mostly grasses) to species w
ith small, persistent seeds (mostly dicots). From the ordination we de
rive the predictions that germination of the latter species will be mo
re temporally opportunistic and more inhibited by the presence of vege
tation than the former. These predictions are consistent with data col
lected in experimental studies of seed persistence and germination at
the site. These data suggest that spatial and temporal variation in op
portunities for regeneration is an important mechanism contributing to
the high species richness of dry limestone grasslands.