A paired comparison digraph (abbreviated to PCD) D=(V,A) is a weighted
digraph in which the sum of the weights of arcs, if any, joining two
distinct vertices equals one. A one-to-one mapping alpha from V onto {
1,2,...,\V\} is called a ranking of D. For every ranking alpha, an arc
vu is an element of A is said to be forward if alpha(upsilon) < alpha
(u), and backward otherwise. The length of an arc vu is l(vu)=epsilon(
vu)\alpha(upsilon)-alpha(u)\, where epsilon(vu) is the weight of vu. T
he forward (backward) length f(D)(alpha) (b(D)(alpha)) of alpha is the
sum of the lengths of all fonvard (backward) arcs of D. A ranking alp
ha is forward (backward) optimal if f(alpha) is maximum (b(alpha) is m
inimum). Kano (Discrete Appl. Math. 17 (1987) 245-253) characterized a
ll backward optimal rankings of a complete multipartite PCD L and rais
ed the problem to characterize all forward optimal rankings of a compl
ete multipartite PCD L. We show how to transform the last problem into
the single machine job sequencing problem of minimizing total weighte
d completion time subject to precedence ''parallel chains'' constraint
s. This provides an algorithm for generating all fonvard optimal ranki
ngs of L as well as a polynomial algorithm for finding the average ran
k of every vertex in L over all forward optimal rankings L.