In a helium-hydrogen mixture at T = 300 K, the polarization degree of
hydrogen spins, both electron and nuclear, was determined to be as hig
h as (5 +/- 1)%.The role of the main processes giving rise to the form
ation of spin-polarized H atoms has been discussed It is shown that an
effective transfer of angular momentum from the preliminarily optical
ly oriented He(2(3)S(1)) atoms to the H atoms is not due to the direc
t chemi-dissociation of the H-2 molecules by the He atoms alone, or d
ue to Penning ionization of these molecules followed by the ion-molecu
lar rearrangement reaction H-2(+) + H-2 --> H-3(+) + H alone, but to t
heir summary action. The relative important of the two mechanisms depe
nds on the rotational temperature and total gas pressure.