This paper deals with simultaneous momentum flux observations from fou
r towers placed at different depths along a shore-normal line at the w
est end of Lake Ontario, Canada. The towers were at nominal depths of
12, 8, 4, and 2 m, in order to study the influence of shoaling waves o
n the air-water momentum flux, namely the effect of wave steepness and
celerity on the aerodynamic roughness of the water surface. Analysis
of the data have shown that the momentum fluxes cannot be explained by
mean downwind speed alone (U-10), in contrast to open ocean experimen
ts in which the wave maturity is generally near full development. Surf
ace roughness (z(0)), normalized on wave height (eta), was parameteriz
ed by both the inverse wave age (U-10/c(p)) and the root-mean-square w
ave slope (8), with excellent correlation in each case (r(2) = 0.79).
Multiple regression using both the inverse wave age and the root-mean-
square slope lead to the best results: z(0)/eta = 2.26(U-10/c(p)) (1.8
2)theta(3.83); R(2) = 0.90. These findings are presented as further pr
oof, to other recent observations, that surface roughness is dependent
on sea state.