The effects of diffusion kinetics on surface roughness were investigat
ed by measuring the dependence of surface width and step density on th
e amount of material removed for GaAs(110) sputtered at different temp
eratures (T). Surfaces after the removal of ten monolayers of material
at 625 K were rougher on a small scale than those at 725 K, but they
were smoother on a large scale. The increased large-scale roughness at
high T was caused by increased diffusion on terraces and along step-e
dges, but insufficient cross-step transport. The high step-density cre
ated at low T enhanced cross-step transport. This mechanism, first pro
posed for the re-entrant layer-by-layer growth, is expected to cause t
he long-range roughness to increase with T for many solid surfaces aft
er substantial sputtering or deposition over a certain range of T.