Stress blocks hippocampal primed-burst potentiation, a low threshold f
orm of long-term potentiation, thereby suggesting that stress should a
lso impair hippocampal-dependent memory. Therefore, the effects of str
ess on working (hippocampal-dependent) and reference (hippocampal-inde
pendent) memory were evaluated. Rats foraged for food in seven arms of
a 14-arm radial maze. After they ate the food in four of the seven ba
ited arms, they were placed in an unfamiliar environment (stress) for
a 4-hr delay. At the end of the delay they were returned to the maze t
o locate the food in the 3 remaining baited arms. Stress impaired only
working memory. Stress interfered with the retrieval of previously st
ored information (retrograde amnesia), but did not produce anterograde
amnesia. Stress appears to induce a transient disruption of hippocamp
al function, which is revealed behaviorally as retrograde amnesia and
physiologically as a blockade of synaptic plasticity.