Background: When objects are stationary, human pattern Vision is exqui
sitely acute. A number of studies show, however, that Vernier acuity f
or lines is greatly impaired when the target velocity exceeds about 5
deg sec(-1). The degradation of line Vernier acuity under image motion
appears to be a consequence of a shift in the spatial scale of analys
is to low spatial frequencies. If correct, this implies that Vernier a
cuity may not be subject to a strict velocity limit, and that with app
ropriate low spatial frequency stimuli, Vernier acuity might be preser
ved al high velocities. To test this notion, we measured Vernier acuit
y and contrast discrimination using low spatial frequency periodic gra
tings drifting over a wide range of velocities. Results: Vernier acuit
y and contrast discrimination for low spatial frequency periodic grati
ngs are both possible at velocities as high as 1000 deg sec(-1) When b
oth are specified in the same units (as Weber fractions), Vernier acui
ties are closely predicted by the observers' contrast discrimination t
hresholds, Our results suggest that Vernier acuity is subject to a spa
tiotemporal limit, rather than to a strict velocity limit. At temporal
frequencies less than about 10 Hertz, Vernier acuity is independent o
f velocity, but is strongly dependent on stimulus contrast. At high te
mporal frequencies Vernier acuity is markedly degraded, and shows litt
le dependence on contrast. Conclusions: Two mechanisms, which may have
their neuronal counterparts early in the visual pathway, appear to li
mit the perception of moving targets at low and high temporal frequenc
ies. Taken together with other recent work the present results suggest
that the process of spatio-temporal interpolation in pattern analysis
can operate at very high velocities.