In human primary visual cortex, parvalbumin (PV) is expressed by Cajal
-Retzius cells in layer I by 20 weeks of gestation (20W), hut its immu
noreactivity is mostly lost by term. PV immunoreactivity in layers Il-
VI mainly develops later, from 26 to 34W, following an approximately '
inside-outside' sequence in a series of bands. PV-positive perikarya a
ppear in layer V by 20W, but only in small numbers. They increase in n
umber and staining intensity by 26W. By 30W a band of densely labelled
somata and neuropil occupies layers IVC-VI. By 34W a second, less den
se, hand of cell bodies and neuropil appears in IVB and IVC alpha, sep
arated from the deep band by IVC beta which is cell-sparse and almost
fibre-free. Between 38 and 40W, a third minor band consisting mainly o
f fibres is seen in layer IVA. Reactive cell bodies form clusters, and
the neuropil staining is mosaic-like. PV positive neurons are of two
main types: large with a wide dendritic arbor, and smaller with simple
r dendrites. However, a few have characteristics of pyramidal cells, a
nd a few others resemble glial cells. The laminar pattern of PV-immuno
reactive somata in human striate cortex is established by term, rather
than postnatally as in most mammals, implying that PV may be involved
in neuronal development in prenatal human striate cortex.