T. Tsuyuki, VARIATIONAL DATA ASSIMILATION IN THE TROPICS USING PRECIPITATION DATA.1. COLUMN MODEL, Meteorology and atmospheric physics, 60(1-3), 1996, pp. 87-104
This paper describes initial effort in the development of a four-dimen
sional variational data assimilation (4D-Var) in the tropics using pre
cipitation data derived from remote sensing. The method of 4D-Var usin
g precipitation data is formulated, and modifications to the parameter
ization schemes of moist processes to remove zeroth-order discontinuit
ies are described. Variational data assimilation experiments are carri
ed out using a column model to investigate the problems caused by disc
ontinuities in parameterization schemes and assess the impact of assim
ilating precipitation data in the tropics. It is found that variationa
l data assimilation with discontinuous parameterization schemes exhibi
ts large fluctuations during the minimization process, slow convergenc
e rates, and large analysis errors. The fluctuations become much more
serious when precipitation data is assimilated. Precipitation data is
very useful to estimate divergence in the tropics, provided that the t
emporal resolution of the data is sufficiently high. However, its impa
ct on the analysis of temperature and moisture is not clear in the col
umn model assimilation experiments, possibly due to the absence of hor
izontal advection.