Given the clear evidence that reducing blood pressure decreases the va
scular complications of hypertension, loss of efficacy represents the
principal complication of noncompliance with antihypertensive therapy.
Withdrawal symptoms are also important and occur after abruptly stopp
ing beta-blockers and centrally-acting antihypertensive drugs. Very fe
w studies have been conducted to assess the impact of missing 1 or 2 d
oses of an antihypertensive agent on short term control of blood press
ure. A high trough to peak ratio (> 50%) for a once-daily medication s
uggests a long duration of action. However, methodological problems in
the design of the studies to determine trough to peak ratios make com
parisons between various medications very difficult. In general, howev
er, stopping a drug with a low trough to peak ratio is more likely to
result in loss of antihypertensive effect than a drug with a high rati
o. Poor compliance in dose-escalating studies with antihypertensive ag
ents may have resulted in excessively high dose recommendations in cli
nical trials.