Hole mobilities have been measured in poly(styrene) (PS) doped with bi
s(4-N,N-diethylamino-2-methylphenyl) (4-4-methoxyphenyl) methane (TPM)
. TPM is a weakly polar donor molecule with a dipole moment of 2.1 D.
The results are described by a formalism based on disorder. The formal
ism is based on the assumption that charge transport occurs by hopping
through a manifold of localized states with superimposed energetic an
d positional disorder. The parameters of the formalism are sigma, the
energy width of the hopping site manifold, Sigma the degree of positio
nal disorder, mu(0) a prefactor mobility, and rho(0) a wavefunction de
cay constant. The energy widths are between 0.105 and 0.113 eV, increa
sing with increasing TPM concentration. The concentration dependence o
f the widths is described by an argument based on dipolar disorder. Va
lues of Sigma are between 2.4 and 3.8, increasing with increasing dilu
tion. The prefactor mobilities are between 1.6 x 10(-5) and 7.4 x 10(-
2) cm(2)/Vs and can be described by a wavefunction decay constant of 1
.2 Angstrom.