The mouse Ulnaless locus is a semidominant mutation which displays def
ects in patterning along the proximal-distal and anterior-posterior ax
es of all four limbs. The first Ulnaless homozygotes have been generat
ed, and they display a similar, though slightly more severe, limb phen
otype than the heterozygotes. To create a refined genetic map of the U
lnaless region using molecular markers, four backcrosses segregating U
lnaless were established. A 0.4-cM interval containing the Ulnaless lo
cus has been defined on mouse chromosome 2, which has identified Ulnal
ess as a possible allele of a Hoxd cluster gene(s). With this genetic
map as a framework, a physical map of the Ulnaless region has been com
pleted. Yeast artificial chromosomes covering this region have been is
olated and ordered into a 2 Mb contig. Therefore, the region that must
contain the Ulnaless locus has been defined and cloned, which will be
invaluable for the identification of the molecular nature of the Ulna
less mutation.