Fluoride glasses which are used for passive and active optical fibers
are subject to devitrification, especially during fiber-drawing. Kinet
ic parameters may be obtained through isothermal and nonisothermal met
hods. Basic relations deriving from the Mehl-Avrami-Johnson approach a
llow the determination of activation energy E(a) and Avrami exponent n
. The paradox of activation energy is expressed in terms of correlatio
n between E(a) value and binding energy, which raises the question of
the physical meaning of activation energy. Various stability factors a
re listed and their validity discussed. The important problem of nucle
ation in fluoride glasses emphasizes the role of anionic oxygen in the
nucleation mechanism. The crystallization behavior of the main fluori
de glasses, including cadmium fluorochloride glasses, is reported in r
elation to fiber-drawing ability.