Source contributions to PM(2.5) aerosol measured at Chilliwack and Pit
t Meadows in the lower Fraser Valley, B.C., Canada, during the REVEAL
study, were estimated using chemical mass balance (CMB) receptor model
ing. On average, motor vehicles accounted for 34 and 43% of PM(2.5) at
Chilliwack and Pitt Meadows, respectively Secondary sulfate and secon
dary nitrate were the next most significant PM(2.5), components, accou
nting for 25 and 27%, respectively, at Chilliwack, and 27 and 12%, res
pectively, at Pitt Meadows. Geological material accounted for 3 and 5%
of PM(2.5) at Chilliwack and Pitt Meadows, respectively. Marine aeros
ol accounted for 3 and 5% of PM(2.5) at Chilliwack and Pitt Meadows, r
espectively A significant contribution of wood smoke was estimated for
both sites: 8% at Chilliwack and 9% at Pitt Meadows.