A marrow-band, precisely tunable dye laser pumped by an injection-seed
ed YAG laser is described. The laser achieves an output of 100 mJ/puls
e and 40% efficiency when one uses Rhodamine 6G dyes, The output pulse
is Gaussian both in time and spatial profile. The laser oscillator em
ploys an intracavity etalon that is repetitively pressure scanned over
one free spectral range while the grating successively steps to conse
cutive etalon modes. We pressure scanned the etalon under computer con
trol using a bellows. Methods are described for calibrating the tuning
elements for absolute precision. We demonstrated that the laser has a
n absolute precision of +/-0.4 pm over a 1.0-nm scan. This accuracy is
achievable over the wavelength range of a dye. (C) 1996 Optical Socie
ty of America