Consider the problem of estimating integral Phi(f), where Phi is a smo
oth function and f is a density with given order of regularity s. Spec
ial attention is paid to the case Phi(t) = t(3). It has been shown tha
t for low values of s the n (-1/2) late of convergence is not achievab
le uniformly over the class of objects of regularity s. In fact, a low
er bound for this rate is n(-4s/(1+4s)) for 0 < s less than or equal t
o 1/4. AS for the upper bound, using a Taylor expansion, it can be see
n that it is enough to provide an estimate for the case Phi(x) = x(3).
That is the aim of this paper. Our method makes intensive use of spec
ial algebraic and wavelet properties of the Haar basis.