Maternal disapproval of premarital sex, maternal discussions about bir
th control and the quality of the parent-child relationship may have a
n important influence on adolescents' sexual activity and the consiste
ncy of their contraceptive use. Findings from a survey of 751 black yo
uths showed that adolescent perceptions of maternal disapproval of pre
marital sex and satisfaction with the mother-child relationship were s
ignificantly related to abstinence from adolescent sexual activity and
to less-frequent sexual intercourse and more consistent use of contra
ceptives among sexually active youths. Teenagers who reported a low le
vel of satisfaction with their mother were more than twice as likely a
s those highly satisfied with their relationship to be having sexual i
ntercourse. Discussions about birth control were associated with an in
creased likelihood that adolescents were sexually active. Such discuss
ions were not significantly related to consistent contraceptive use fo
r female adolescents, but were associated with increased contraceptive
use for male teenagers.