The aim of this study was to investigate the expression of type IV col
lagenase (72-kd metalloproteinase, MMP-2) in prostatic intraepithelial
neoplasia (PIN) in relation to normal prostate (NP) and prostatic ade
nocarcinoma (PAc). Twenty formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded prostatect
omy specimens, in which NP, PIN and PAc were present, were immunohisto
chemically examined. The NP ducts and acini not contiguous with PIN an
d PAc showed slight MMP-2 immunostaining in the secretory cells, with
some increase in intensity at the apical border, and moderate to stron
g immunoreactivity of some basal cells. In NP adjacent to PIN and PAc,
rare ducts and acini showed strongly stained cells either isolated or
in small groups of two, located within the thickness of the epitheliu
m, close to the basement membrane. In the majority of PIN ducts and ac
ini, the stratified secretory cells showed moderate staining. Most of
these ducts and acini also showed strongly stained cells, which were m
ostly isolated, and either in contact with the basement membrane or sc
attered among the secretory cells. Low and high grade PIN showed some
difference in the frequency of dark cells, which were more numerous in
the latter. A small group of neoplastic acini adjacent to high grade
PIN (early invasive adenocarcinoma) was observed in one of the 20 case
s. Intense immunostaining was present in the acini originating from th
e PIN lesion. MMP-2 immunostaining of PAc was heterogeneous in intensi
ty and location. Cribriform and solid/trabecular PAc showed weak cytop
lasmic immunostaining; both moderately and intensely stained cells wer
e seen in the cell layer adjacent to the stroma, intense immunostainin
g was shown by small clusters of neoplastic cells or single neoplastic
cells located in the stroma. In acinar PAc, weak cytoplasmic immunost
aining for MMP-2 was seen throughout most areas of the tumours, wherea
s moderately and intensely stained cells were observed less frequently
than in cribriform and solid/trabecular adenocarcinoma. Intense immun
ostaining of single or small clusters of neoplastic cells located in t
he stroma was occasionally observed and, as with cribriform and solid/
trabecular PAc, mainly located towards the periphery of the tumour nod
ules. Occasional ducts and acini with PIN and foci of PAc were either
completely negative or very weakly stained. In conclusion, MMP-2 immun
ostaining increases progressively from NP, through PIN, up to invasive
PAc. These results directly support the hypothesis that increased exp
ression of metalloproteinases is a marker of malignant conversion.