In a shortage economy, as in a decentralized economy, the specific nat
ure of the defence sector is governed by the particular constraints fa
ced by defence enterprises. Conversion can then be defined as a change
of the institutional environment facing defence firms, from an enviro
nment characterized by bargaining over priorities into a competitive e
nvironment. However, in the case of Russia, conversion is taking place
as the economic institutions of a decentralized economy are themselve
s still in the making. The specific defence institutional environment
has a repercussion on the types of assets developed by defence firms.
Competitive assets, especially technologies are over-developed. But te
chnology is not the only determining factor of the conversion process.
Entreprises have to develop their efficiency assets and get rid of th
eir complementary assets. The role of the State is then to help firms
in the process of conversion to overcome these difficulties. But State
-action cannot only be defined in terms of the specific nature of the
defence sector. Indeed, conversion is only an extreme case of any econ
omic activity in a decentralized economy where decision-making is base
d on uncertain information. The role of the State is then to create th
e institutional and macro-economic environment facilitating appropriat
e decision-making. This involves establishing the rules of a decentral
ized economy and implementing economic and industrial policies. Howeve
r, rule-making is problematical in Russia when the legitimacy of the S
tate itself is in question.