Cisapride has been used in the treatment of chronic intestinal pseudo-
obstruction with some success; however, the use of cisapride in the tr
eatment of acute pseudo-obstruction has not been adequately studied. W
e describe a cease of acute intestinal pseudo-obstruction successfully
treated with cisapride, To our knowledge, this is the second such cas
e reported in the English language literature. Our patient's acute int
estinal pseudoobstruction was probably precipitated by pneumonia and s
epsis, and the prompt resolution of his intestinal pseudo-obstruction
after initiation of cisapride therapy (despite progressive deteriorati
on off his overall clinical status) implicates cisapride as the cause
of the improved intestinal function. Therefore, we suggest that a tria
l of cisapride be considered for patients with acute intestinal pseudo
-obstruction when other therapeutic maneuvers have failed.