Objective: HIV-related gastrointestinal infection is associated with d
iarrhoea, weight loss, mucosal inflammation and increased intestinal p
ermeability. As tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha may mediate these f
eatures this cytokine was measured in the faeces of HIV-seropositive i
ndividuals with diarrhoea to assess its role in the pathogenesis of HI
V-related gastrointestinal disease and the association with specific i
ntestinal pathogens. Design: Prospective study. Methods: Two hundred a
nd four HIV-seropositive individuals provided stool samples that were
analysed for faecal TNF-alpha (FTNF-alpha) using a standard sandwich e
nzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Results: Stool from patients with ba
cterial, cytomegalovirus (CMV) and microsporidial diarrhoea had signif
icantly elevated FTNF-alpha compared with those who had pathogen-negat
ive diarrhoea (P<0.05). FTNF-alpha was not raised in cryptosporidiosis
, pathogen-negative or solid stool. In subjects with diarrhoea of more
than 2 weeks duration and three stool samples negative For enteric pa
thogens, FTNF-alpha greater than 15 U/ml has a sensitivity of 88% and
a specificity of 66% for the diagnosis of diarrhoea-related CMV enteri
tis. Conclusion: TNF-alpha production may have a role in the pathogene
sis of bacterial, microsporidial and CMV-related diarrhoea in HIV-sero
positive individuals. Thus, anti-TNF-alpha agents may have a therapeut
ic role in the management of these conditions. FTNF-alpha greater than
15 U/ml in apparently pathogen-negative diarrhoea may suggest endosco
pic gastrointestinal biopsy to diagnose CMV enteritis.