In children, back pain is not a common problem that requires a visit t
o the physician's office. Further, back pain In children is not genera
lly a somatization of an underlying psychological disturbance. The cau
se of the child's pain frequently can be localized with a thorough his
tory, physical examination, plain examination, plain radiographs, or b
one scan. Back pain that presents to the physician's office has an ext
ensive differential diagnosis that can be pared down to a manageable l
ist if a systematic approach is used. Back pain frequently is relieved
with conservative measures, such as rest, decreased activity, and non
steroidal medications. Further investigation and prompt referral is re
commended for back pain that is refractory to conservative measures, h
as progressive deformity, or has associated neurologic findings. In ge
neral, a specific cause can be identified. An overview of common cause
s for back pain in children and adolescents is provided.