Wra. Huff et al., ANGLE-RESOLVED PHOTOEMISSION EXTENDED FINE-STRUCTURE - MULTIPLE LAYERS OF EMITTERS AND MULTIPLE INITIAL STATES, Journal of electron spectroscopy and related phenomena, 80, 1996, pp. 41-44
Recently, angle-resolved photoemission extended fine structure (ARPEFS
) has been applied to experimental systems involving multiple layers o
f emitters and non-s core-level photoemission in an effort to broaden
the utility of the technique. Most of the previous systems have been c
omprised of atomic or molecular overlayers adsorbed onto a single-crys
tal, metal surface and the photoemission data were taken from an s ato
mic core-level in the overlayer. For such a system, the acquired ARPEF
S data is dominated by the p(0) final state wave backscattering from t
he substrate atoms and is well understood. In this study, we investiga
te ARPEFS as a surface-region structure determination technique when a
pplied to experimental systems comprised of multiple layers of photoem
itters and arbitrary initial state core-level photoemission. Understan
ding the data acquired from multiple layers of photoemitters is useful
for studying multilayer interfaces, ''buried'' surfaces, and clean cr
ystals in ultra-high vacuum. The ability to apply ARPEFS to arbitrary
initial state core-level photoemission obviously opens up many systems
to analysis. Efforts have been ongoing to understand such data in dep
th. We present clean Cu(111) 3s, 3p, and 3d core-level, normal photoem
ission data taken on a high resolution soft x-ray beamline 9.3.2 at th
e Advanced Light Source in Berkeley, California and clean Ni(111) 3p n
ormal photoemission data taken at the National Synchrotron Light Sourc
e in Upton, New York, USA.