Constipation is a common childhood condition, estimated to occur in 5
to 10 percent of children. In most cases, the cause is functional. How
ever, constipation may occasionally indicate a significant organic dis
order, which can usually be determined by a thorough history and physi
cal examination. Constipation that is present from birth or that begin
s in the neonatal period is most likely to be congenital in origin. Ac
ute constipation usually has an organic cause, while chronic constipat
ion usually has a functional cause. Failure to thrive and gross disten
tion of the abdomen suggest the diagnosis of Hirschsprung's disease. R
ectal examination of a child with constipation usually reveals a diste
nded rectum that is full of stool. In patients with Hirschsprung's dis
ease, the rectum is usually empty and tight. Laboratory investigations
are usually not necessary in patients with mild constipation. Treatme
nt should be directed at the underlying cause. Functional constipation
can be managed by changes in diet, regular bowel habits and, if neces
sary, pharmacologic therapy and biofeedback training.