Experimental scoliosis with the potential for marked progression was t
reated by rib resection without spinal fusion to investigate the corre
ctive effect of rib resection on progressive scoliosis. Forty chickens
were divided into two groups (groups A and B) and pinealectomy was pe
rformed at 3 days of age. In group B, three ribs were resected on the
concave side if scoliosis of >20 degrees developed before the age of 4
weeks. Spinal radiographs were taken until the age of 20 weeks at 4-w
eek intervals to evaluate the scoliosis. Chickens in group A developed
severe scoliosis (24-85 degrees) that progressed until 20 weeks of ag
e, and chickens in group B showed mild scoliosis (6-56 degrees). Some
degree of reprogression was found after early bone union at the sites
of rib resection. Rib resection may be able to control progressive sco
liosis when performed on the concave side of the curve.