The early detection of HELLP syndrome (hemolysis, elevated liver enzym
es, and low platelets) is the basic condition for immediate therapeuti
c management, which mainly leads to prompt delivery. The classical sym
ptoms despite the typical laboratory evaluation (hemolysis, elevated L
iver enzymes, low platelets) are epigastric or light upper quadrant pa
in and nausea and vomiting: the classical signs of preeclampsia (prote
inuria and hyper tension) may be absent in 20%. The differential diagn
ostic problems of HELLP syndrome arise in relation to the mimikry-symp
tomatic: upper abdomen pain can imitate gastroenterologic diseases (e.
g. choleli thiasis, appendicitis), the elevated liver enzymes combined
with hyper-bilirubinemia liver diseases (e.g. viral hepatitis) and th
rombocytopenia in combination with hemolytic anemia, neurological symp
toms and renal failure other similar pathogenetic disorders due to the
category of thrombotic microangiopathies. Regarding the common sympto
ms thrombocytopenia, hemolysis as well as signs of preeclampsia with o
r without renal failure the differentiation from various autoimmune di
seases also can be difficult in special cases. Rare first manifestatio
ns and serious simultaneous diseases which can overlay the typical sig
ns of HELLP syndrome show the variety of HELLP syndrome. Interdiscipli
nary detours and delay are the consequences of this differential diagn
ostic problems, which could imply deleterious effects on the mother an
d the fetus, until the final diagnosis is clear. Therefore all pregnan
t women with upper abdomen pain irrespective of symptoms of preeclamps
ia should be considered to have HELLP syndrome and immediate laborator
y evaluation has to be done, If there is any doubt a interdisciplinary
, consultation is required!