Ma. Pavan et al., COFFEE POPULATION-DENSITY - A TREE MANAGE MENT TECHNIQUE TO IMPROVE SOIL FERTILITY, Arquivos de biologia e tecnologia, 39(3), 1996, pp. 547-552
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of coffee tree
population density on soil fertility levels after fourteen years of a
field experiment. A field trial was established in 1977 at Londrina, S
tate of Parana, Brazil, with four commercial coffee cultivars (Catuai
Amarelo, Acaia, Icatu and Mundo Novo) in the following population dens
ities : 893, 1020, 1190, 1429, 1786, 2381, 3571 and 7143 holes / ha wi
th 2 trees / hole. In 1991 soil samples were collected from 0 to 20 cm
soil depth from each plot for chemical analysis. Increasing plant pop
ulation per unity of area increased soil pH, exchangeable Ca, Mg, and
K, available P and organic carbon, and decreased exchangeable Al. Thes
e changes in soil fertility were greater under Catuai Amarelo than any
other coffee cultivars. Increasing soil surface cover by tree canopy,
decresing soil erosion, increasing residue management, decreasing nut
rient depletion by leaching and improving nutrient cycling were found
to be the possible mechanisms envolved in soil chemical improvement wi
th increasing coffee tree population density.