Experiments were conducted in 1995 to determine the susceptbility of C
hrysomyia albiceps (Wiedemann, 1819), Cochliomyia macellaria (Fabriciu
s, 1775) and Lucilia cuprina (Wiedemann, 1830) to eight insecticides.
Wild flies were collected on Estacao Experimental pam Pesquisas Parasi
tologicas W.O. Neitz - UFRRJ, and were reared in the Laboratory of Ent
omology to the F2 generation for topical application tests. A two perc
ents stock concentration for all insecticides was made on the basis of
weight of technical insecticide per volume of acetone diluent. Reduce
d concentrations were mixed on a volume to volume basis. Flies to be t
reated were withdrawn from the holding cage with a modified vacuum cle
aner; immobilized with CO2 and then treated with the insecticides usin
g a Hamilton microsyringe. The mortality of the flies was registrated
after twenty-four hours of treatment. The regressions of dosage on mor
tality were made by the computarized probit analysis program POLO (Pro
bit or Legit Analysis). Based on the LD50 values, the inseticide toxic
ities in descending order for males and females of C. macellaria were
coumafos, fanfur, ronel, phosmet, crufomato, fenvalerate, triclorfon a
nd malathion. Based on the same values, the insecticide toxicities in
descending order for males and females oft. cuprina were fanfur, couma
fos, ronel, crufomato, fenvalerate, phosmet, triclorfon and malathion.
The insecticide toxicities in descending order for males of C. a(bice
ps were coumafos, ronel fanfur, phosmet, crufomato, fenvalerate, tricl
orfon and malathion, and for females were coumafos, ronel, fanfur, pho
smet, crufomato, fenvalerate, malathion and triclorfon.