This paper describes a study an the knowledge farmers use to manage th
eir crops and discusses its consequences for the design of clop manage
ment supports. Crop management is considered to be the control of an o
pen dynamic environment. Thus farmer must design and perform a set of
coordinated actions to reach a specific stare (generally defined by th
e quality and quantity of the harvested pans of the plants) and to lim
it as far as possible the negative effects of irreversible events on y
ield and on the physical, chemical and biological components of the so
il. Crop management also implies the coordination of actions on differ
ent scales (the plot, the crop area, the farm) and in time (one task c
an influence other tasks due to lack of manpower or equipment at a giv
en time. Each task must be considered in relation to all the others do
ne on the same plot during the cultivation period). The farmer's task
may be represented as a loop including information gathering, prognosi
s and planning, decision making, performance and checking. The problem
is to understand how knowledge of the biophysical processes and actio
ns are related to each other and the way they are used to complete thi
s loop. The research examined a specific cultivation task: tilling and
sowing sugar beet. A description of the task showed the components of
the biophysical processes and the actions involved in designing and p
erforming this task. Similarities in the way farmers managed sugar bee
t setting up were identified. We postulated that the semantics of acti
on networks can be used to identify these similarities and we tested t
he extent to which such a knowledge representation was useful for repr
esenting farmers' knowledge. Data were collected from 8 farmers whose
farms differed in their organisation and agronomic constraints. One ex
periment was based on classifying pictures of soil. A second involved
asking farmers to design a coordinated set of actions for each soil pi
cture used in the first experiment. The way the task teas carried out
peas then analysed. Representing farmer's knowledge as a semantic netw
ork of action helped to understand the role of procedures in informati
on gathering and prognosis. But this representation is not enough to s
upport the inferences made by the farmers to describe soil states and
changes. In real world situations, the task performance is also the re
sult of a compromise between applying an optimal set of actions on the
plot (the one accessed through the semantics of actions network) and
minimizing the consequences of negative events which might occur at th
e crop area level.