By transnasal fiberoptic laryngoscopy, patients with functional voice
disorders often demonstrate abnormal laryngeal biomechanics, commonly
supraglottic contraction, Appropriately, such conditions are sometimes
termed muscle tension dysphonias. Singers working at the limits of th
eir voice may also transiently demonstrate comparable tension patterns
. However, the biomechanics of normal singing, particularly for differ
ent singing styles, have not been previously well characterized, We us
ed transnasal fiberoptic laryngoscopy to study 100 healthy singers to
assess patterns of laryngeal tension during normal singing and to dete
rmine whether factors such as sex, occupation, and style of singing in
fluence laryngeal muscle tension. Thirty-nine male and 61 female singe
rs were studied; 48 were professional singers, and 52 were amateurs. E
xaminations of study subjects performing standardized and nonstandardi
zed singing tasks were recorded on a laser disk and subsequently analy
zed in a frame-by-frame fashion by a blinded otolaryngologist. Each vo
cal task was graded for muscle tension by previously established crite
ria, and objective muscle tension scores were computed. The muscle ten
sion score was expressed as a percentage of frames for each task with
one of the laryngeal muscle tension patterns shown. The lowest muscle
tension scores were seen in female professional singers, and the highe
st muscle tension scores were seen in amateur female singers, Male sin
gers (professional and amateur) had intermediate muscle tension scores
. Classical singers had lower muscle tension scores than nonclassical
singers, with the lowest muscle tension scores being seen in those sin
ging choral music (41%), art song (47%), and opera (57%), and the high
est being seen in those singing jazz/pop (65%), musical theater (74%),
bluegrass/country and western (86%), and rock/gospel (94%). Analyzed
also were the influences of vocal nodules, prior vocal training, numbe
r of performance and practice hours per week, warm-up before singing,
race, smoking, and alcohol consumption.