In the excavation of Pendejo Cave (FB 9366) near Orogrande, New Mexico
, 16 friction skin imprints were found in five stratified zones on cla
y nodules, baked at over 120 degrees C. After careful analysis, expert
dermatoglyphologists determine that these imprints had positive prima
te characteristics. The imprints are probably of human origin, since n
o other primates are known to have existed in prehistoric New Mexico.
Eight of the imprints occurred in three well-dated zones falling in th
e late Pleistocene. These zones have direct radiocarbon dates between
12,000 and 37,000 B.P. In addition to their association with radiocarb
on determinations, the prints come from three of 24 stratified zones,
intensively studied by geologists and pedologists, that are dated in s
equence by 34 other radiocarbon determinations acquired from four diff
erent laboratories. The imprints are associated with a column of over
35,000 paleontological specimens and more than 15,000 botanical remain
s. These specimens indicate Pleistocene changes and supply evidence of
human transportation and modification of various materials. The print
s are also associated with artifacts, ecofacts, features of human cons
truction, and human remains. The imprint specimens therefore provide e
vidence of Pleistocene human occupation in the New World.