In pregnancies complicated by pre-term pre-labour amniorrhexis, there
is a risk of intra-uterine infection, which is associated with materna
l and perinatal mortality and morbidity. The causes of neonatal death
in pregnancies with amniorrhexis are prematurity, pulmonary hypoplasia
and sepsis. In the management of pregnancies with preterm pre-labour
amniorrhexis, it is essential to distinguish between those with and wi
thout intra-uterine infection, If there is no infection at presentatio
n, it is unlikely that this will develop, and in such cases there is n
o benefit from hospitalization, bed rest, prophylactic tocolytics or a
ntibiotics. The group with evidence of intra-uterine infection go into
spontaneous labour within a few days of amniorrhexis; in this group,
the main determinant for the appropriate management is the gestational
age at amniorrhexis.