Study objective: To examine if the perception of dyspnea during normal
pregnancy may be related to an inappropriate ventilatory response to
the increased metabolic rate, due to a higher chemosensitivity. Patien
ts and interventions: At weeks 12, 24, and 36 of gestation and 4 month
s after delivery, 11 healthy pregnant women with dyspnea and 12 asympt
omatic pregnant women were studied. Progesterone plasma levels, lung v
olumes, diffusion capacity, maximal respiratory pressures, rest oxygen
uptake, breathing pattern, and mouth occlusion pressure (P0.1) were m
easured. Progressive isocapnic hypoxic stimulation and progressive hyp
eroxic hypercapnic stimulation were performed. Results: Oxygen ventila
tion equivalent during pregnancy was significantly higher for the dysp
neic group than for nondyspneic pregnant women. Dyspneic patients exhi
bited greater minute ventilation, tidal volume, and P0.1 than the nond
yspneic group. The mean values of ventilatory and P0.1 slopes to hypox
ia and CO2 during pregnancy were significantly greater in the patients
with dyspnea than in asymptomatic subjects. These changes were not du
e to differences in progesterone plasma levels. A significant relation
among the Borg score, inspiratory drive, and chemosensitivity was fou
nd. Conclusions: In some pregnant women, a higher sensitivity to CO2 a
nd hypoxia may induce excessive ventilation to metabolic demand, which
would contribute to dyspnea.