To demonstrate the evolutionary path for porting serial applications t
o the T3D as advocated by Cray Research, Inc., the authors implemented
a heterogeneous, distributed, adaptive finite-element code on Cray's
Y-MP/T3D system. They implemented a serial adaptive finite-element cod
e on the Y-MP and, rather than fully distributing the program on the T
3D, modified only the computationally intensive portion for a massivel
y parallel processing environment. A set of two communicating programs
resulted-a Y-MP program that addresses mesh maintenance and modificat
ion, and a T3D program that distributes the data and computations for
a given mesh. The speedups achieved over a serial code demonstrate tha
t significant performance gains can result from focusing the paralleli
zation of serial code on smaller components, rather than attempting to
derive a completely parallel implementation. Thus, a satisfactory tra
de-off between implementation effort and optimal performance resulted.
Although implemented in a Y-MP/T3D environment, the approach is gener
ic and would work in numerous heterogeneous computing environments.