After reviewing the empirical literature, we suggest that advances in
the assessment and treatment of alcohol problems have the following im
portant implications for health care system reform: (1) alcohol use di
sorders and problems associated with alcohol use are prevalent and are
complicated by various comorbid conditions, and they result in large
costs to the health care system and to society; (2) alcohol treatment
generally results in reduced drinking and more efficient use of health
care resources; (3) specific treatments have demonstrated effectivene
ss; (4) screening and assessment instruments with excellent sensitivit
y to the heterogeneity of alcohol problems have been developed; (5) ev
idence that specific treatments have differential effectiveness with d
ifferent patient groups is accumulating; and (6) good evidence: exists
for the effectiveness of brief interventions, particularly with less
severe and chronic alcohol problems. These findings suggest that alcoh
ol treatment services in a reformed health care system should include
(1) universal coverage for alcohol treatment, including full benefits
for outpatient care; (2) a rational system of assessment and triage fo
r treatment, including an increased emphasis on screening and brief in
terventions in primary medical care settings; (3) a full range of trea
tment services that vary in intensity; and (4) addictions treatment pr
ovider incentives and contingencies to provide treatments of proven ef
fectiveness. When fully implemented, an efficient approach to the trea
tment of alcohol-related problems will result in one of the largest po
ols of cost savings in a reformed American health care system.