Long-lasting effect of feeding (first of all the energy and protein su
pply) has been reviewed on the reproduction of male and female animals
. Energy deficiency does not harm permanently the embryonic developmen
t of primordial germ cells. However even a slight feed deficiency in e
we during the last 6 weeks of pregnancy or during the lactation period
can worsen the future ovulation rate of lambs. Questions of nutriment
supply and sexual maturation have been treated in case of both sexes.
Thereafter the effect of feed doses on the number of ovulated eggs ha
s been reviewed. Hormonal bases of flushing effect has also been treat
ed. Fertility rate and survival of embryos determine the realization o
f the potential of ovulated eggs. Incorporation rate of different nutr
iments into the embryos has also been treated. Energy deficiency toget
her with protein deficiency in highly pregnant dams diminish most firm
ly the body-mass of offsprings to be born. System of lobulo-alveolar e
pithelial cells in the mammary gland of ruminants develops mainly duri
ng th pregnancy. The undernutrition not only diminishes the quantity o
f colostrum but the start of milk production is also retarded. Nutrime
nt supply has a significant effect on the length of period between bir
th and refertilization. In this case, the restart of ovarian function
is the key factor. Although deficiency of certain mineral matters (P,
Mn,I) may also cause anoestrus, in most of practical cases disturbance
s of energy and protein supply cause the most problems. Hormonal chang
es in the background of the above mentioned processes have also been e
valuated. Finally, the most important future research areas of the top
ic have been prognosticated.