In this paper, two consecutive (48- and 54-h) predictions of the IOP-1
4 storm during the Canadian Atlantic Storm Program II (CASP II) with a
mesoscale version of the Canadian Regional Finite-Element (RFE) model
are used as control runs to investigate the sensitivity of the cyclon
e development to different initial conditions and various physical and
dynamical processes. It is shown that obtaining appropriate initial c
onditions is crucial in helping to improve the operational predictions
of initial cyclogenesis and its subsequent amplification, particularl
y for travelling disturbances that propagate from upstream data-sparse
regions. It is found that at the cyclone's mature stage i) dry dynami
cs account for more than 70% of the cyclone's total depth; ii) the RFE
model predicts the weakest (+32 hPa) and deepest (-12 hPa) storms (wi
th respect to the control-predicted) in the absence of the oceanic sur
face characteristics and Greenland topography, respectively; iii) conc
urrent surface sensible and latent heat fluxes have relatively weak po
sitive impacts (-5 hPa) on the explosive deepening of the storm; iv) a
ll experimental storms except for the no-ocean-surface run satisfy the
''oceanic bomb'' criterion; and v) the observed and predicted non-cla
ssical frontal structures, such as the cold frontal ''fracture'', the
''bent-back'' warm front, the ''T-bone'' thermal pattern and warm core
structure, fail to develop in the absence of the oceanic surface char
acteristics. The results reveal that i) the IOP-14 storm is baroclinic
ally driven in nature and it is only modulated by other physical proce
sses and ii) the explosively deepening nature and the previously docum
ented non-classical frontal structures appear to result from weak surf
ace drag over the ocean.