A 64-year-old right-handed man acutely developed elementary visual hal
lucinations (monochromatic, moving geometrical figures), visual illusi
ons (distortion of the right side of faces) with achromatopsia and blu
rred vision restricted to the left visual hemi-field. CT of the brain
before and after administration of contrast medium and a repeat examin
ation 2 months later showed no abnormalities, while brain mapping (pow
er analysis of EEG) demonstrated theta wave slowing of the curve over
the posterior part of the right hemisphere. (TC)-T-99m HMPAO SPECT of
the brain, however, demonstrated an area of definite focal hypoperfusi
on in the right occipito-temporal region. Echo-Doppler-duplex and cont
inuous wave examination of the cervical arterial blood vessels disclos
ed bilateral discrete atheromatous plaques that did not affect the blo
od flow. Transoesophageal echocardiography demonstrated slight mitral
valve insufficiency. Cerebral angiography showed an occlusion of the r
ight posterior cerebral artery. After the visual hallucinations had su
bsided, SPECT showed partial normalization of the right occipito-tempo
ral perfusion, In the absence of CT evidence for a structural lesion i
n the clinically suspected areas, only functional imaging revealed an
obviously significant lesion. This case furthermore demonstrates that
SPECT can contribute to the identification of the pathophysiology unde
rlying visual hallucinosis.