We report about 15 years of parents and patient education in regard to
children with chronic lung diseases (bronchial asthma, chronic bronch
itis) by members of the University Children's Hospital Greifswald, Chi
ldren's Hospital Neubrandenburg and partners. The context of the educa
tional conception is as follows: once a year a whole day supplementary
course for children and youth together with their parents running ove
r a period of 3 years, whereby the medical, psychological and social a
spects are covered. In addition to chat we offer 2 supplementary (refr
esher) courses every year, especially for doctors and co-workers, who
are in charge of children suffering from lung diseases. To date, appro
ximately 2,500 people (75% adults, 25% children) have participated. Th
e compliance has become better for long-time therapy and fight against
disease. We believe patient education through qualified doctors shoul
d be part of the long-time therapy, it should be accepted and recogniz
ed as a way of quality preservation and as an achievement which deserv
es honour.