Clinical applications of electrons may involve oblique incidence of be
ams, and although dose variations for angles up to 60 degrees from nor
mal incidence are well documented, no results are available for highly
oblique beams. Surface dose measurements in highly oblique beams were
made using parallel-plate ion chambers and both standard LiF:Mg, Ti a
nd carbon-loaded LiF Thermoluminescent Dosimeters (TLD). Obliquity fac
tors (OBF) or surface dose at an oblique angle divided by the surface
dose at perpendicular incidence, were obtained for electron energies b
etween 4 and 20 MeV. Measurements were performed on a flat solid water
phantom without a collimator at 100 cm SSD. Comparisons were also mad
e to collimated beams,The OBFs of surface doses plotted against the an
gle of incidence increased to a maximum dose followed by a rapid dropo
ff in dose. The increase in OBF was more rapid for higher energies. Th
e maximum OBF occurred at larger angles for higher-energy beams and ra
nged from 73 degrees for 4 MeV to 84 degrees for 20 MeV. At the dose m
aximum, OBFs were between 130% and 160% of direct beam doses, yielding
surface doses of up to 150% of D-max for the 20 MeV beam. At 2 mm dep
th the dose ratio was found to increase initially with angle and then
decrease as D-max moved closer to the surface. A higher maximum dose w
as measured at 2 mm depth than at the surface. A comparison of ion cha
mber types showed that a chamber with a small electrode spacing and la
rge guard ring is required for oblique dose measurement. A semiempiric
al equation was used to model the dose increase at the surface with di
fferent energy electron beams. (C) 1996 American Association of Physic
ists in Medicine.