Accurate outcome prediction following stroke is important for proper d
elivery of poststroke care. It has been difficult to determine specifi
c factors that provide reliable and accurate predictions of outcome, p
articularly for patients with intermediate deficit severities. Age and
severity of deficit have repeatedly been found to be most reliable, b
ut only as rough estimates and for patients at either extreme of the d
isability spectrum. This paper reports a prospective study of consecut
ive rehabilitation admissions (N = 536) to determine the influence of
preselected factors. Outcome was analyzed in terms of functional impro
vement and disposition. Patients younger than 55 years or with an admi
ssion Functional Independence Measure (FIM) greater than 80 almost uni
versally went home. Admission FIMs less than 40 were associated with n
early certain nursing home discharge. The comprehensive FIM score was
a stronger predictor of outcome than motor impairment in isolation. An
admission FIM of 60 or greater was associated with a higher probabili
ty of functional improvement during rehabilitation. Small-vessel strok
es had the best outcome. Intracerebral hemorrhages improved more than
ischemic strokes but more slowly. Right hemisphere lesions did worse t
han left. Comorbidities influenced outcome only when several condition
s accumulated. The absence of a committed caregiver at home increased
the risk of nursing home discharge. Suggestions for rehabilitation tri
age are given.