Objective The authors identify criteria suitable to predict long-term
clinical improvement and evaluate quality of life after thymectomy for
myasthenia. Design Retrospective analysis with long-term follow-up (m
ean 92 months) was conducted for 86 patients and questionnaire intervi
ews were performed for 65 patients who underwent thymectomy between 19
76 and 1993. Main Outcome Measures The authors used the Osserman Score
and the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer qu
ality-of-life questionnaire. Results After thymectomy, lasting benefit
s were achieved predominantly by patients with moderate and severe mya
sthenia, and this association was significant (p <0.001) in both bivar
iable and multiple analyses. No correlation was observed between outco
me and thymic pathology, patient age or gender, duration of disease, p
reoperative plasmapheresis, and medication. Restitution to normal was
complete at most recent follow-up as to physical status, working abili
ty, and cognitive and social functions, but some emotional and vegetat
ive deficits remained. Conclusion Future patient selection for thymect
omy should-apart from those with suspected thymoma-concentrate on pati
ents with moderate and severe myasthenia unresponsive to conservative