An internally consistent model is presented that can be used to determ
ine the ocean surface fluxes of heat, moisture, and momentum, given bu
lk sea surface temperature and atmospheric temperature, humidity, and
winds measured at a single level within the atmospheric surface layer.
This model is based upon surface renewal theory as described by Bruts
aert [1975a]. Liu et al. [1979] (hereinafter referred to as LKB) made
partial use of this theory, and further improvements to the LKB parame
terization have been made by Fairall et al. [1996a]. The present model
includes the following improvements relative to the LKB and Fairall e
t al. bulk flux models: incorporation of a new time-scale parameteriza
tion for surface renewal, inclusion of capillary waves in the surface
roughness model, derivation of the surface roughness scales of water v
apor and heat based solely upon surface renewal theory; and incorporat
ion of a new surface skin temperature model. The model is validated us
ing shipborne observations of surface fluxes and surface meteorology t
hat were obtained in the central Pacific Ocean, the western tropical P
acific, the subtropical Pacific, and the midlatitude North Atlantic. C
omparisons of model results with covariance fluxes of latent heat show
biases of less than 3% for all locations, with little dependence of e
rror on wind speed; similar results are obtained for sensible heat and
momentum flux. An assessment is given of the advantages of the presen
t scheme over the LKB and Fairall et al. schemes. The model results ar
e interpreted in the context of the physical processes involved in det
ermining the surface roughness length and the surface renewal timescal