Pathological gambling is a disabling disorder that affects at least 2
1/2 million Americans and their families. Although pathological gambli
ng has been characterized as an impulse control disorder, it has also
been associated with compulsivity. Essential features of pathological
gambling include constantly recurring gambling behavior that is malada
ptive, in that personal, familial, and/or vocational endeavors are dis
rupted. Affective disorders and substance abuse often co-occur. Incide
nce of suicidality is extremely high. Despite the fact that this disor
der is a widespread public health problem, few controlled studies of c
auses or treatment have been conducted. Preliminary neurobiological st
udies implicate serotonergic dysfunction in pathological gamblers. Tre
atment with serotonin reuptake inhibitors, such as clomipramine and fl
uvoxamine, may be effective in treating this disorder. Well-defined an
d controlled clinical trials in large samples of pathological gamblers
are needed.