The efficacy of doramectin, a novel avermectin, was assessed against b
oth naturally-acquired and experimentally-induced infections of gastro
intestinal roundworms, lungworms, kidneyworms, lice and mites in studi
es conducted across North America and Europe. Twenty-two studies evalu
ated efficacy against fourth larval and adult stages of the following
nematode species: Hyostrongylus rubidus, Ascaris suum, Strongyloides r
ansomi, Oesophagostomum dentatum, Oesophagostomum quadrispinulatum, Tr
ichuris suis, Metastrongylus spp. and Stephanurus dentatus. Efficacy w
as evaluated against the louse Haematopinus suis in six studies and ag
ainst the mite Sarcoptes scabiei in four studies. A common study desig
n was employed for each study type. In all studies, animals were allot
ted at random to a doramectin-treated or a saline-treated group. The d
oramectin-treated group received the drug at 300 mu g kg(-1) by intram
uscular injection while the saline-treated group received saline by th
e same route. In the nematode studies, worm burdens were determined fo
r each animal at slaughter 14-16 days after treatment. Efficacy agains
t each nematode species/stage was assessed on the basis of percentage
reduction in geometric mean worm burden in doramectin-treated animals
compared with saline-treated controls. In louse and mite studies, coun
ts were made immediately before treatment and then at weekly intervals
for four weeks, Efficacy was based on a comparison of the level of in
festation on the day of treatment with that on the last day of test. D
ata from individual studies were combined to derive a single estimate
of efficacy against each of the parasite species represented in the st
udy program. Efficacy of doramectin was 98% or greater against all nem
atode species except T. suis for which the efficacy was 87% and 79% ag
ainst adult and fourth larval stage, respectively. Efficacy was 100% a
gainst both Haematopinus suis and Sarcoptes scabiei.