We reviewed 10 cases of culture proven legionellosis that occurred at
a marrow transplant center (Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Se
attle, WA, USA) over a 6-year period ending in 1993, Infections were c
aused by four species of Legionella with no apparent clustering of cas
es, Detection of Legionella using direct fluorescent antibody assays p
roved unreliable due to the high proportion of rare Legionella species
isolated, The clinical presentation, course and outcome of patients v
aried and did not correlate with underlying disease, type of transplan
t, transplant day or engraftment status, However, five of the seven pa
tients infected with non-pneumophila species recovered from their pneu
monia compared to none of the three patients infected with L, pneumoph
ila. Persistent or relapsed infection after 3 weeks of appropriate the
rapy was documented in one case suggesting that prolonged antibiotic t
reatment is indicated in these patients.