We describe a new syndrome of familial temporal lobe epilepsy in 38 in
dividuals from 13 unrelated white families. The disorder was first ide
ntified in 5 concordant monozygotic twin pairs as part of a large-scal
e twin study of epilepsy. When idiopathic partial epilepsy syndromes w
ere excluded, the 5 pairs accounted for 23% of monozygotic pairs with
partial epilepsies, and 38% of monozygotic pairs with partial epilepsy
and no known etiology. Seizure onset for twin and nontwin subjects us
ually occurred during adolescence or early adult life. Seizure types w
ere simple partial seizures with psychic or autonomic symptoms, infreq
uent complex partial seizures, and rare secondarily generalized seizur
es. Electroencephalograms revealed sparse focal temporal interictal ep
ileptiform discharges in 22% of subjects. Magnetic resonance images ap
peared normal. Nine affected family members (24%) had not been diagnos
ed prior to the study. Pedigree analysis suggested autosomal dominant
inheritance with age-dependent penetrance. The estimated segregation r
atio was 0.3, indicating an overall penetrance of 60% assuming autosom
al dominant inheritance. The mild and often subtle nature of the sympt
oms in some family members may account for lack of prior recognition o
f this common familial partial epilepsy. This disorder has similaritie
s to the El mouse, a genetic model of temporal lobe epilepsy with a ma
jor gene on mouse chromosome 9, which is homologous with a region on h
uman chromosome 3.