American universities recognized and institutionalized the emerging im
portance of neuroscience in medicine by establishing neurological prof
essorships as early as the 1860s. Nearly 20 years before Charcot assum
ed his celebrated chaired professorship for Diseases of the Nervous Sy
stem in France, Harvard University created a professorship of Physiolo
gy and Pathology of the Nervous System (1864), naming Brown-Sequard as
its recipient. In 1867, the new Bellevue Hospital Medical School esta
blished a combined neurology/psychiatry chair with William A. Hammond
as professor, and the University of Pennsylvania created a clinical pr
ofessorship devoted specifically to neurology in 1875, naming Horatio
C. Wood. Although modest in their university power base and their clin
ical research/laboratory programs, these American posts were internati
onally unique for their time and solidly entrenched neurology as a spe
cific division in early US medical education.